Royal Griffin Publishing staff interviews the authors who introduced two powerful economic solutions to income inequality and unfair currency manipulation.
"Better than capitalism, communism, consumerism, and whatever type of current-cronyism the people have been dealt, compassionism is the best proposed solution to income inequality, and can't be claimed as unfair. Specifically, X-Cents is a simple currency insurance plan that could be instituted overnight, yet may even be better-than-present for most currency systems. Creator Currency Octaves however is the best monetary system for every money user in general. Challenge offered, propose a better way, rather, the new best way!" -Ting Tsu Yu
Along with updating the political system, which may over-shadow the currency ideas, the Book Better To Best aims to deliver a Compassionate Meritocracy, and leaves readers and focus groups wondering "why not?" about the social restructuring plans that "just make sense" from the perspective of a freedom-claiming nation.
"Ideas can be planted like seeds, and lit like candles that spread like wildfire. Generations may pass before significant change takes form, yet rapid transformations are usually due to stressed, ruptured systems that force people to adapt." -Duke Johnson
Duke adds, "Eliminating poverty is a stated goal, and you'll be hard pressed to find any economy that couldn't improve with either X-Cents or Creative Currency Octaves implemented properly. Given responsible policy making, CCO could be introduced relatively simply due to Universal Basic Income provided as a complementary currency, that is, in addition to any present fiat-based system such as Dollars, Euros, Pesos, etc. This balances basic minimums and creative rewards through fractalized collectives, not central banks, to where the primary currency remains untouched, aside from the invisible hand of the market."
Aspiring to inspire, this short book takes an hour or less to read, yet several more to digest. Note that this presentation's plethora of new visions are intentionally contagious, and group discussion is advised.
Join the authors in considering new vision and working to improve Our System until The Way becomes the Best, but Better.
-Royal Griffin Publishing
The complete interview can be found on and is posted in the editorial review section on Amazon Kindle. The book Better To Best is also available in paperback, free articles available on
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