Orbit was a Great Pyrenees that touched many people all over the world. He was born in a log cabin in the Ozarks and was adopted by a self-sufficient community. Within the community, he adopted flutist Bettine and her husband, Peter, and their property became his kingdom. His life was filled with happiness in an idyllic setting, but set against a backstory of fear and pain. He tells his true story with help from author Peter Longley in "Orbit: Life with My People" (published by iUniverse).
Orbit's ability to sing along as Bettine played her flutes sent him around the world on concert tours where his spirit moved international audiences. His circumstances at home, and his compassion for his people, caused him to develop his unique canine understanding, which was confirmed when he went over the rainbow bridge.
An excerpt from "Orbit":
There is no good, no bad, no rich, no poor, no ugly, no beautiful- only the love of all that is. You strive for it and call it God, but when you, too, cross the Rainbow Bridge, you will be aware of it in the pulsations of white light-you will be one with God, knowing every detail of your universe, past, present, and future. Every small particle of beingness that ever was, or ever will be, is one. I am in you, and you are in me. Over the rainbow there is no separation. Separation is the great illusion.
By Orbit
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 204 pages | ISBN 9781491763056
E-Book | 204 pages | ISBN 9781491763049
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Peter Longley wrote this book under the pen name Orbit. He is a British author who has lived in the United States most of his life. Born in Scotland, he was brought up and educated in England, where he earned his master's in theology from Cambridge University. He works as the horticultural interpreter at the Springfield Botanical Gardens in Springfield, Missouri. Longley has published several books.
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