LOS ANGELES, July 8, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ Have you ever wished you had help in answering those who challenge the relevance and accuracy of the Bible? Throughout the month of July Trinity Broadcasting Network, America's most watched faith channel, is offering the perfect resource from one of its good friends and ministry partners, renowned author and evangelist Ray Comfort.
The title of this powerful book says it all Scientific Facts in the Bible: 100 Reasons to Believe the Bible Is Supernatural in Origin. The truth is that most people even Christians are unaware that the Bible is an absolute treasure trove of scientific, medical, and prophetic facts, all penned thousands of years before being "discovered" by scholars, experts, and researchers in white lab coats.
In this fast-moving and easy-to-read book, you'll learn how Scripture lays a solid foundation for modern biology, physics, astronomy, medicine, meteorology, and more. You'll discover how many of today's accepted principles of health, hygiene, and diet are found in the Bible. And you'll be amazed to find that many important and world-changing historical events even those unfolding on the global stage today were accurately foretold in Scripture thousands of years earlier.
Best of all, Scientific Facts in the Bible will strengthen your faith in the God of Scripture while giving you a wealth of information and facts you can share with family, friends, and others who insist the Bible is just a book of fantasy and folk tales. There's even a chapter that lists some of the great people throughout history who believed in the Bible such as Christopher Columbus, Sir Isaac Newton, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Sir Winston Churchill, Albert Schweitzer, and Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few.
The author of more than sixty books, along with a handful of documentary films that have garnered over seven millions views on YouTube alone, Ray Comfort is considered one of the premier apologists of the Christian faith, whose work has been endorsed by scores of Christian leaders, including Josh McDowell, David Jeremiah, Franklin Graham, and the late David Wilkerson.
On Thursday, July 17th (7 p.m. Pacific, 9 p.m. Central), Ray Comfort will be a special guest on TBN's popular Praise the Lord music and talk show, where he'll discuss Scientific Facts in the Bible and how people can use it to reach skeptics with the truth of the gospel.
"For the past forty years Ray Comfort has been boldly proclaiming the gospel by confronting the culture with the truth of God's Word," said TBN CEO Matthew Crouch. "We're thrilled to offer his powerful book, Scientific Facts in the Bible, to TBN's friends and partners throughout the month of July. And we look forward to Ray's upcoming appearance on TBN's Praise the Lord show July 17th.
Click Here for information on receiving your copy of Ray Comfort's book Scientific Facts in the Bible for your partnership with the Trinity Broadcasting Network.
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SOURCE Trinity Broadcasting Network