Beijing, China
Today at the Beijing International Book Fair Trajectory, Inc. announced the availability of RosettaBooks' catalogue of eBooks. The list of titles includes a strong line up of best selling works including health and wellness collections from Mayo Clinic, business management titles from Stephen R. Covey, and the highly acclaimed works of fiction by Kurt Vonnegut and Arthur C. Clarke.
According to Arthur Klebanoff, CEO of RosettaBooks, "Our catalogue of titles by Winston Churchill presents the perfect opportunity to learn more about many of the most inspiring leaders of the past century. We are delighted to enter the Chinese market with Trajectory."
Trumpet Magazine recently stated "(English) is now sweeping the world with what Jay Walker calls 'English mania'. English is the world's second language," Jay said in a recent TED talk. And University of California-Irvine professor Mark Warschauer said, "It's gotten to the point where almost in any part of the world, to be educated means to know English."
"RosettaBooks' impressive catalogue will appeal to a broad range of readers in China," said Jim Bryant, CEO of Trajectory, Inc.. It's an honor to work with such a distinguished lineup including the complete works of Winston Churchill and such memorable fictional characters as Kilgore Trout and Billy Pilgrim."
About RosettaBooks
RosettaBooks is the leading independent eBook publisher, annually selling over one million eBooks worldwide. The company launched in 2001 with a list of 100 preeminent backlist titles. Headquartered in New York City, today the company's 500 plus title list include leading back and front list titles, original short eBook lines and original digital only titles across a broad array of publishing categories in fiction and nonfiction. RosettaBooks' leading titles include Slaughterhouse-Five and 18 other titles by Kurt Vonnegut, Childhood's End and 30 other titles by Arthur C. Clarke, the complete works of Winston Churchill, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L. Shirer, a series of current consumer reference titles by Mayo Clinic, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey and many more.
About Trajectory, Inc.
Trajectory is an intelligent network connecting publishers to retailers, libraries, mobile carriers, alternative channels and readers around the globe. Trajectory's extensive list of eBook distributors includes every major eBook retailer, library and school distributor. Trajectory's Natural Language Processing program was used to highlight key attributes contained within the book and is being provided to retailers to assist them with reader discoverability. Trajectory also managed the localization of the titles' metadata.