"McFarnia": a suspenseful tale of a father who vanishes without a trace and his son's journey to uncover the truth about his life and mysterious disappearance. "McFarnia" is the creation of published author Tony Pierzchala, a former Army man, steel worker and truck driver now living in North Carolina. He currently serves as a Chaplain with Transport for Christ at a truck stop in the Greensboro area.
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Tony Pierzchala's new book presents Remington, the grown son of a junkyard owner who vanished without a trace when he was a young child. Two decades later, pressing questions remain: will Remington find out how his father acquired his wealth? Why did his father disappear? What mysteries surround this seemingly simple scrapyard? And, most mysteriously, if McFarnia is light years away, what do centaurs or other creatures have to do with a scrap yard on planet Earth?
View a synopsis of "McFarnia" on YouTube.
Readers can purchase "McFarnia" at traditional brick and mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "McFarnia", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.