The book is essentially an examination of the Zionist ideology, which, according to Alexis has already shaken the moral, philosophical and intellectual foundation of much of Western culture. It seeks to address this ideology and other related issues. In the process, it tells readers something about the fundamental nature of reality as well as how to approach this cosmic conflict, which Alexis believed has dominated the West for over a thousand years.
"This book is important precisely because we are seeing the consequences of Zionism in our time," Alexis says. "For example, Trump has recently attacked Syria because the Assad government allegedly used chemical weapons on his own people. This is complete nonsense. The simple fact is that Assad was winning the war and he knew that using chemical weapons would destroy virtually all the good things he has done in the region."
Since the book is a scholarly meditation, Alexis would encourage readers to pursue further research of their own. "I would highly encourage them to check out the sources and to discover that Zionism is as dangerous as Bolshevism."
"Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture"
By Jonas E. Alexis
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 472 pages | ISBN 9781546224594
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 472 pages | ISBN 9781546224617
E-Book | 472 pages | ISBN 9781546224600
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jonas E. Alexis has a bachelor's degree in mathematics and philosophy from Palm Beach Atlantic University and has a master's degree in education from Grand Canyon University. Some of his main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict and the history of ideas. He is a columnist at Veterans Today. He has written over a thousand articles on a wide range of topics.
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