In her new historical narrative, "Heirs to Dirty Linen and Harlem Ghosts: Whitewashing Prohibition with Black Soap" (published by Balboa Press), author Dr. Theda Palmer Saxton provides a detailed study of the issue of what she calls the United States' "historically unequal playing field for white women and African-American people."
According to Saxton, white women were primary players in influencing political and social change to improve their domestic lives. Similarly, she says, African-American women led the way in creating spiritual and logistical cultural survival skills to ensure future generations the right to have a free life.
"For the lives of both groups of women to overlap on two separate tracks, during one of America's most significant, political, social and racist historical periods and eventually end up in a Harlem speakeasy on Swing Street in 2005 is a story fabricated in a movie script," says Saxton.
Saxton hopes her book awakens people to the gravity of the social change that has taken place in Harlem, a message she also delivers to audiences through speaking engagements and a television show on PBS. "People love the live story told on stage," she says. "It's the only story and place where they can hear and see the truth about a Billie Holliday slice of life."
"Heirs to Dirty Linen and Harlem Ghosts"
By Theda Palmer Saxton, Ph.D.
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 306 pages | ISBN 9781452573786
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 306 pages | ISBN 9781452573779
E-Book | ISBN 9781452573762
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
About the Author
Theda Palmer Saxton, Ph.D., is a professor of cultural and interpersonal communication. She has taught at Howard University in Washington and Pace University in New York. She is also the author of "The Seasoned Woman Speaks" and co-owner of Bill's Place in Harlem.
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