"Enough": a poignant first novel in a series following a teenage girl struggling to resolve problems at school and home. "Enough" is the creation of published author, Theda-Lisa Ackep, a Ghanaian from a family of six who presently resides in New Jersey, USA. She is the second of four children. At a very young age, she developed a love for reading, which shaped her desire to publish a story. Throughout middle school, she received writing awards, and with the motivation of her teachers and family, she wrote this book at the age of twelve. She is currently sixteen and a junior in high school, working on the sequel to "Enough". She sees writing playing a role in her future and hopes to publish many more books.
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Theda-Lisa Ackep's new book is an honest depiction of the effects of bullying on the already paramount task of becoming a teenager girl.
Enough. She has had enough. July Martins doesn't think she can take it anymore. All the bullying, the depression, the loneliness, the pain. Will it ever stop? Her peers at school, she wishes they would leave her alone. Will they ever stop? Her mother, maybe she loves her deep down although their relationship is only deteriorating. Does it get better? How much longer does she have to endure it? Because she doesn't think she can. Ever since middle school, her life has been full of lows. Her cup is full. She has had enough. July Martins just wants a normal life. She doesn't have to be amongst the hottest girls at school, although she wishes she was. She doesn't need to have a perfect family, just a somewhat peaceful one she can call home. She doesn't need twenty friends, just a few she can rely on. Not everyone has to like her, but she sure wants to be reminded what it feels like. Every day is a constant struggle between July and the life she lives. July Martins wants to do something about it.
View a synopsis of "Enough" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase"Enough" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "Enough", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.