Financial giving can be a spiritual path. We have a deep potential for meaning-making and life satisfaction when we transform ourselves from occasional, haphazard donors to deliberate, ambitious philanthropists.
Learn how to talk about money from the experts. This book contains 19 winners of the UUA Annual Program Fund Sermon Contest, from 1984 to 2005.
This wonderful resource will be useful for congregational stewardship sermons, retreats, workshops, canvass presentations, and group study. Purchase today.We all know that asking for money ranks right up there with public speaking. Nearly all of us fear it, and yet it is critical to our success. This book will help embolden you to ask with skill, finesse, and powerful results.
Author Jerold Panas, who as a staff person, board member, and volunteer has secured gifts ranging from $50 to $50 million, understands the art of asking perhaps better than anyone in America. Purchase today.In this bestselling book, author David Lansdowne has distilled the essence of major gifts fundraising, put it in the context of 47 "realities," and delivered it in clear prose.
If every board member of every nonprofit organization across America read this book, it's no exaggeration to say that millions upon millions of additional dollars would be raised. Purchase today.This useful book from UUA Congregational Stewardship Services Director Wayne B. Clark helps congregations move beyond the myth of scarcity to the reality of abundance.
In these pages, Clark offers a stewardship development program that puts the annual budget drive in perspective and makes it less of an emotionally charged issue. Purchase today.Videos