Your congregation is not just a spiritual community and place of connection. It's an engine for progressive change and means for increasing love and justice where you live. Help inspire your congregation to fund this vital work with great stewardship resources from your UUA Bookstore.
The Generosity Path by Mark V. Ewert
Financial giving can be a spiritual path. We have a deep potential for meaning-making and life satisfaction when we transform ourselves from haphazard donors to deliberate philanthropists. Purchase today.
Beyond Fundraising by Wayne B. Clark
In these pages, find a stewardship development program that puts the annual budget drive in perspective and makes it less of an emotionally charged issue.Purchase today.
Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete by Timothy Dombek and Michael Durall
Churches need to find a way to share the joy that comes from helping those in need. This book suggests a vision for transforming charitable giving. Purchase today.