In “The Story of the Apple,” a child and his father delve into the mystery and fascinating science at the heart of every apple tree. In “The Siblings,”a brother and sister go on a day-long treasure hunt that lures the pair from food carts to dusty antique shops … culminating in the discovery of a broken pair of brothers who can only be healed by the love of children.
Süt?’s young, wide-eyed protagonists are deeply curious, and their sense of childish wonder is beautifully evoked by the full-color drawings by Liza Danila, a student at the Academy of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary. Danila’s remarkable fractal art has been featured in several exhibits in Budapest.
An electronic or printed review copy of the book is available upon request. To receive a copy, or for more information, contact Virginia Solan, Marketing Director at Inkwater Press, at virginia(at) or call (503) 968-6777.
Title: The Siblings and Other Stories
Author: Gyuszi Süt? Illustrator: Liza Danila
ISBN: (Tradeback) 9781629015910 (Hardcover) 9781629015927
Publisher: Inkwater Press
Pub Date: 10/19/18 Pages: 82
Price: (Tradeback) $19.95 (Hardcover) $25.95
Availability: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, Inkwater Bookstore
Author’s Website: