In 1832, three years before Alexander de Tocqueville published Democracy in America, the English novelist Frances Trollope releasedDomestic Manners of the Americans, an eye-opening record of her travels in the young republic. Expecting a Utopia of "justice and liberty for all," she was shocked to discover the contradictions at the heart of the American character. Funny and fearless, Trollope's biting critique became an international sensation.
Today, Domestic Manners of the Americans remains a prophetic diagnosis of America and a masterpiece of nineteenth-century travel writing. Now published as an eBook with an introduction by acclaimed travel author Sara Wheeler, this classic work offers modern American readers a fascinating reintroduction to themselves. The latest in our Restless Women Traveler series is now on sale for just $3.99. Get it from your retailer of choice:Amazon | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Kobo