"Children are committing suicide at an alarming rate. If we can teach them to have compassion for others while they are young, perhaps we can save our children," says Abbott. "The Little Excavator" educates children how someone feels while being bullied. The book also encourages acceptance of others who are different from themselves.
When asked what she wants readers to take away from her book, Abbott answers, "I would love for children to grow up realizing that there are all kinds of people and other kids that are of different sizes, personalities, looks, etc. We can all enjoy life together and have many friends."
An excerpt from the book:
"You saved the day Little Bill!" Terrifying Tim and Big John hung their booms low. "We are very sorry for treating you so mean! for bullying you! we were wrong! would you please forgive us? we would like to be friends"
"The Little Excavator"
By Carolyn Morgan Abbott
Softcover | 8.5x8.5in | 28 pages | ISBN 9781512795271
E-Book | 30 pages | ISBN 9781512795288
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Carolyn Morgan Abbott was raised in Essex, Missouri. She is a preacher's daughter. She has worked in the school systems, medical field, as a church Sunday school teacher and even owns an excavating business.
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