SAN DIEGO, Sept. 7, 2016 /PRNewswire/ A Gallup poll released earlier this year states that the percentage of millennials who are open to changing jobs is at an all-time high of 60%. The study finds that millennials are the least-engaged generation in the workplace, with only 1 in 3 identifying themselves as "engaged" with their organization. Why? Author Jon Markwardt, founder of Grass Is Browner, LLC, says, "This generation simply finds it hard to see a future with their current employer."
So what can we do? "Learn how to engage them better," states Jon Markwardt, author of The Grass Is Browner on the Other Side: How to Grow into an Elite Sales Professional, who has spent the last decade developing salesforces and managing salespeople. "I try to dig deeper with them to teach them some techniques that will make their jobs more satisfying and help get them engaged with their companies. I'm constantly selling them on the idea that they have to define what success is to themselves and how that fits in to their organization."
In sales positions, millennials may feel out of place in the traditional sales-oriented organizations because they have different buying behaviors themselves. They are a generation who has developed more uncommon spending behaviors than any other generation. According to the Gallup poll, millennials are more likely to compare prices online and more likely to make a large impulse purchase (47% have made a large impulse purchase costing more than a week's salary). With the purchasing behaviors being so different for millennials, it makes sense that the sales techniques to reach them must be different too.
Markwardt discovered that organizations who offer frequent feedback, training, and incentives that matter to millennials are more successful in their efforts to keep them engaged. He found that salespeople entering the workplace need to feel that they are prepared to reach elite status in any organization. Markwardt also believes that millennials who stay employed longer at the same organization are far more likely to reach their goals and the goals of their company. "They learn the products better, they know their customers better, and when their employer helps them be more successful, they become more engaged. It's a cycle," Markwardt explains.
Markwardt's work history includes selling and leadership positions for two Fortune 1000 companies along with building and scaling a sales, service, and business development rep division for a start-up company in Silicon Valley. His book, The Grass Is Browner on the Other Side was created to help organizations better train their sales forces for today's tough sales environment. For more information, stories, photos, and to sign up for updates, visit
MEDIA: Desk copies of The Grass Is Browner on the Other Side are available for review upon request. The ebook is also available to members for reviews. To schedule an interview, send your request through Email or call 402-884-5995.
Contact: Lisa Pelto, Publicist
SOURCE Grass Is Browner LLC