One of McMaster's most popular characters is Mrs. Chairbottom, the original babysitter out of control, and she comes to life as an eccentric, slightly doddering grandmother type with a keenly deductive detective's eye. She's nobody's fool, and so she shouldn't be, having been a spy in her earlier life!
Mrs. Chairbottom's own life story is woven among the adventures of Stewart, her newest charge, and several other former children she has babysat, though many are now much older and remain loyal to the woman who took them along on her various (and sometimes hilarious) quests.
But it is Stewart who is the slightly naïve hero of many of these stories, as he manages to get himself involved in misadventures big and small, but through sheer perseverance and logical thinking, manages to extricate himself from every pickle. The beauty of the Babysitter series is that we can experience Stewart mature and grow into the fine man he is soon to become. And Mrs. Chairbottom always gives him plenty of leeway to make his own mistakes, only jumping in to save the day when it is absolutely necessary.
There are subtle human and humane lessons contained within these pages, most notably the need to give children the freedom to mature and learn from their mistakes, an appreciation of the bounties of nature, the valuable role of play, and to use hope and kindness in the service of making the world a better place. Let's hope there will be more Babysitter stories to come!
Author biography: Canadian author Margaret J. McMaster has published ten fiction and non-fiction books. Carried Away on Licorice Days was nominated for three literary awards. Her creative non-fiction piece, After All These Years, was shortlisted for the 2006 CBC Literary Award, and So Much Potential, a novel set in the Lake Erie fishing industry, was a Starred Selection in the 2014 Best Books For Kids & Teens competition
Babysitter Out of Control! Series
ISBN: 978-0-9810525-9-5