Washington, DC
The Campaign Workshop (TCW) is proud to announce the release of their second e-Book entitled The Complete Guide to Advocacy. The e-Book will be available on The Campaign Workshop website and can be downloaded at http://www.thecampaignworkshop.com/ebooks.
The book, which was written by the TCW team, is an overview of advocacy campaigns, including budgeting for advocacy, digital advocacy, developing an advocacy message, building an advocacy campaign, and advancing the mission of non-profits.
The Complete Guide to Advocacy is the second e-Book to be released by the firm. The first, entitled, Political Direct Mail in the Digital Age, is an overview of political direct mail and how to make sure you're running an efficient and effective direct mail campaign.
In a foreword by Dan Smith - the president of AdvocacySmiths, which conducts strategic planning and capacity building for advocacy campaigns - he summarizes the practical "how to" guide of TCW's second e-Book as a must-have for organizations who want to make a real difference. "The book is full of useful, battle-tested advice to help groups avoid many of the common mistakes that ultimately lead to failure in the public policy arena," said Dan Smith.
"We're very excited to release our second e-book, which gives advocates and non-profits the tools to run effective and modern advocacy campaigns," said Joe Fuld, president of The Campaign Workshop. "The Complete Guide to Advocacy is a model for non-profits of all shapes and sizes."
The Campaign Workshop is a full-service political consulting firm that specializes in direct mail, print and digital advertising. TCW builds custom-made, strategically driven campaigns for their clients, which include issue advocacy, candidate and ballot initiative campaigns. TCW also writes about the latest campaign issues and tactics on its blog.