Hardie Meade is the poster boy for living an imbalanced life. He prioritized money and women while young, and was rewarded with a punishing series of injuries and bankruptcy.
Realizing the error of his ways, Meade set out to write his book, The Bodacious Blessings of Balance, as both a favor and a warning to those who may be living without balance. It is a candid and effective guide to finding balance in life through avoiding Meade's mistakes.
"Extremes are mostly harmful," said Meade. "Extremes lead to imbalanced situations, which lead to bad decisions and bad results."
As a born-again Evangelical, he is a firm believer in the law of reaping what you sow. This classic rule of choosing balance helped him keep negative consequences from creeping up on him.
"My book is a 'change your life experience'," said Meade. "Balance adds value to life and makes everything better. That's why it is bodacious!"
The Bodacious Blessings of Balance
By Hardie Meade
ISBN: 978-1449790448
Retail price: $11.99
Available at http://www.amazon.com and http://www.barnesandnoble.com.
About the Author
Hardie was born in 1940 and has lived all his life in Birmingham, Alabama. After going through serious back surgeries, two bankruptcies, one heart attack, and a Ponzi scheme that left him broke at retirement, he felt the need to write in order to learn about himself and help others.
EDITORS: For review copies or interview requests, contact: Jonathan McAfee | 317-275-2057 | jmcafee(at)bohlsengroup(dot)com
(When requesting a review copy, please provide street address.)