From extensive cricket coaching to his own printed motivating handbook, The Batting Doctor offers a constructive volume to enhance the over-all performance in the game of cricket. Titled The Batting Doctor's Cricket Wisdom, this book pinpoints the areas largely needing improvement in the light of the author's extensive observations, knowledge and experience with success-driven athletes.
The Batting Doctor was privileged enough to examine professional and non-professional cricket games for a considerable period of time. He observed that a lot of aspiring athletes share one common drawback. One weakness which when addressed precisely will begin the crucial self-restructuring process required for a great game.
Technical skill advancement, surprisingly, is not the gist of this self-help book. Rather, it recognizes mental faculty as the main aspect warranting attention. The chief constraint keeping a player from unleashing the full capacity to perform lies primarily in the cognitive domain. Whilst the conceptual power of the thinking mind can be the key in determining the actual outcome of a game, the instinctive and well-honed responses of the observing mind are required for the individual to carry out the desired processes required for success. Thus, to conquer the, game, it is crucial to understand, harness, and respond positively and purposefully to one's thought processes as well as allowing the instinctive processes to occur naturally.
Legends in all fields of sports know the value of over-all mental preparation. In exploring their own strengths and weaknesses, the elite in any sporting endeavor to refine their techniques, temperaments, physical tuning, and tactical skills. This they may do with imagery, regular preparatory routines, and the pressure of actual competition. Once control over this aspect is achieved, success logically follows.
Precision and excellence, however, is not achieved in the blink of an eye. The prudent performer persistently searches for more means to develop their prowess. With this, The Batting Doctor's Cricket Wisdom is the most excellent place to start.
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About the Author
The Batting Doctor is a retired gentleman who has gained considerable knowledge on cricket in his 50 years of involvement in the game. His coaching experiences gave him the idea of starting an Online Cricket Coaching service under the title The Batting Doctor. His extensive experience, insightful reading of ancient Chinese and Japanese texts and modern psychology concepts, has enabled him to develop his own philosophies and exciting new ways of doing things in cricket. Many of these ways are unique and opposite to conventional thinking.
The Batting Doctor's Cricket Wisdom * by The Batting Doctor
Publication Date: March 9, 2013
Trade Paperback; AU$39.99; 472 pages; 978-1-4797-6740-3
Trade Hardback; AU$59.99; 472 pages; 978-1-4797-6741-0
Ebook; AU$3.99; 978-1-4797-6742-7
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