1. "I continually feel anxious, nervous, or 'on edge.'"
2. "I often feel separated and quite distant from other people."
3. "At times, I'm not sure whether my thoughts are real or fantasy."
4. "I find it almost impossible to concentrate when I am reading."
5. "I spend too much time wondering what others think of me."
6. "I feel that people are plotting to harm me."
7. "I never feel guilt, shame, or remorse for my actions or my words."
8. "When things go wrong it isn't my fault."
9. "It seems that joy and happiness eludes me."
10. "When good things happen to me, I often do something irresponsible to sabotage my success."
After founding one of the nation's largest counseling centers, Dr. Zwiebel believes that many emotional or mental problems, uncontrollable urges, anxieties, and other behavioral symptoms can be self-diagnosed and resolved by the patients themselves.
In his new book, the author addresses steps to take when facing a mental problem, strategies for defeating addictions and negative habits, dealing with pent-up emotions, fears, phobias, and compulsions.
Says Dr. Zwiebel, "I truly believe men, women, and young people can save months and years of anguish by practicing these time-tested, practical principles of mental health."
"Before You See a Shrink!" is available as a hardback book at Amazon.com and as a Kindle eBook.
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Note: To request media interviews, contact the author: dirkzwiebel(at)yahoo.com. 980-233-0592.