Do Americans worship idols? That's what Tanya Logan, MA believes. She's the author of Come Back to Jesus-and Don't Bring your Blackberry. Even the most church-going Christians have elevated their idols so much they stand between themselves and God, Logan says. That's because we've created gods out of most of our inanimate possessions-cell phones, Kindles, computers, iPads, clothing, jewelry, and cars.
"We allow so many things, so much "stuff" to stand in our way that there's no room for a God we can worship," Logan says. "Even if we want to spend time with Him, there's no place in all our busyness for a life of quietude and prayer."
Try a simple experiment. Ask the people around you to turn off their phones and computers for twenty-four hours. "It doesn't work-they're horrified," Logan explains. "We're too plugged in to our belongings, so we can't plug in to God."
That's the reason for writing her new book, she says. "People who need God are everywhere. They don't know how to get to Him. I found they don't like the word "idol," don't want to admit they might have one, so I introduce it gradually, using things like time stealer or obsession. In the middle of the book, I ask the reader to do without his or her most important possession for one week."
So far, the exercise has been eye-opening for those who've tried it. They have learned to re-prioritize, re-commit, and yes, unplug.
Logan, formerly a Kingsport Times-News columnist, has written other books as Tanya Davis and has been published in Prep and Byline. This latest book, though, is by far the most exciting project. "Helping people change their lives for the better, helping them to bow before the Lord-that's what life is really about," she says. She led two groups through the unpublished manuscript before having it published; the feedback from those helped bring understanding and insight to the final format.
"Over the year it took me to write the book, I had to give up many things myself. I stopped one of my hobbies for months, unsubscribed from magazines, gave up favorite TV shows. I also practiced different kinds of prayer, including spending 48 hours in silence with only a Bible and a notebook."
"God created us for companionship, to worship and serve Him. We can't do that if we're spending too much time on gadgets, self, and other time stealers."
For more information: Purchase Come Back to Jesus-and Don't Bring your Blackberry on Amazon or wherever books are sold.
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