As specified by Henry, "The Vision" is a work of urban fiction inspired by actual events, narrates a story of what happens when individuals are motivated and determined to make a positive difference in life. It shows how forces and events move in ways to help accomplish the things that motivated them to take action. It communicates how individuals all have a purpose in life, how discovering and fulfilling that purpose benefits the world and everyone in it.
"'The Vision' will encourage all readers because everyone wants to do something to make life better but are unsure how to accomplish this desire." Henry hopes that with the book, readers will develop the inward desire to be all they can be in life.
"The Vision"
By T.L. Henry
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 412 pages | ISBN 9781489708946
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 412 pages | ISBN 9781489708939
E-Book | 412 pages | ISBN 9781489708922
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
T.L. Henry takes an unsolicited analytical view of the people he meets in time. He currently lives in Detroit. More information is available at:
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