Author JoAnn Orihuel McCarthy shares the endearing and entertaining ghost story following "Three Spooks" (published by Xlibris) as they have adventures and do what they do best, scare the living daylights out of human beings, or at least try their best in frightening their victims even just a little. Vibrantly illustrated by artist Liz Moser, the tales of the trio of spooky spirits will engage young readers and teach them invaluable life lessons.
The narrative takes place in a dark forest where two of the spooks struggle to be spooky at all. They wonder if they are too funny looking, or if they are too small or too nice. There is a third spook around who is considered to be the scariest spook of all. The two wonder why he is so scary and how he is different than them. The ghosts come together to uncover a very unexpected problem and in doing so, the story shows readers the importance of embracing one's true unique self.
McCarthy's tale is based on her childhood experiences and the stories told by her uncles, adding more sincerity in a tale about self-discovery, self-acceptance and how to attain these things in order to be a strong and independent person ready to face life's challenges, whether it is bullying in school or the ordeals facing adults navigating the perilous paths of life and society.
"Three Spooks"
By JoAnn Orihuel McCarthy
Hardcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503577152
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503577169
E-Book | 26 pages | ISBN 9781503577176
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
JoAnn McCarthy grew up in Hornell in Upstate New York. She married and had three children, Jerry, Kim and Michael. She owned and operated Hair Zoo, a successful hairstyling salon. Following her own path was always important to her, so she did so wherever she could. An amateur artist, she enjoys painting, drawing and is now docent at the local Children's Museum. To McCarthy, life itself is the greatest passion. She believes that even with all its hiccups, there is always something to be thankful for.
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