Author Jack Paraskovich takes the "other," rarely taken, view of history that the majority of Western civilization conveniently pays no heed to in the way of living a truly civilized life. "The Wrong View of History" (published by Xlibris) is a history that re-introduces readers to the warts and all aspects of life during two seminal periods in history. It is a provocative analysis of life, predominantly in The Middle Ages and Renaissance periods. People would shy away from the less palatable aspects of their history. Paraskovich, by reminding his readers of this, teaches precisely how humanity has progressed through the specific centuries, giving an organic and truer vision of how things were during those technologically deprived eras.
Readers might very well shiver with arm hairs on end were it not for the fact that the author has taken care to keep a light, humorous style throughout the book. It makes everything easier to absorb and enjoy. This highly interesting reading dissects aspects of daily life in the Middles Ages and the Renaissance - from childhood, education, sex, shame, torture, cuisine to other, more philosophical views on time, space and ever-present societal changes. Readers will realize how wrong it is to judge these past societies through the prism of modern understanding, through the values and morals that people adhere to in today's standards of conduct.
A libertine openness in sexual practices may belong on some sleazy porn site today. During the Marquis de Sade's time, it was the way of life. The book is full of such examples from all facets of humanity's lifestyles in earlier, historically recognizable times. One imagines how scandalized church and government authorities would have wished to have these facts sanitized when some newer, cleaner, or safer set of standards have proven themselves practicable by humanity at large. By making his readers become aware if not understanding of the "insanity" of the past, Paraskovich will make them more grateful and appreciative of the life that is lived today.
"The Wrong View of History"
By Jack Paraskovich
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 352 pages | ISBN 9781477123959
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 352 pages | ISBN 9781477123942
E-Book | 352 pages | ISBN 9781477123966
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Jack Paraskovich was born in 1957 in Warsaw, Poland. Upon completion of high school, he fled to France, where he fell in love with the rich history of old Europe. In 1977, he immigrated to Canada, joining his grandparents, who escaped the communist regime a decade earlier. He studied Marketing at McGill University in Montreal and pursued a business career, but his passion remained the study and analysis of various aspects of life in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods.
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