It's a very strange day in America, with bombastic billionaire Donald Trump riding a fear-mongering wave of contradictory quotes toward the White House. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is unlike any candidate in US history. As a result, traditional pundits have struggled to effectively explain his success. The Very Strange Day uses a different approach to the Trump phenomenon.
Slip into bed with this hilarious 40-page illustrated poem that parses Donald Trump's political gymnastics into the soothing format of a children's story. The mogul, dressed in an infant's onesie with a dollar bill emblazoned across his butt, bursts into the home of a Hispanic family, dances, boasts, insults them, threatens to deport them and builds a "taller than tall" wall across the living room. Worse, he wakes the baby. Will help from an unidentified "lady" save them?
The Very Strange Day includes Donald Trump quotes. "I am what I am." "I'm a very smart guy." "You know, it doesn't really matter what they say [write] as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass." Other quotes are fictional.
Why a children's book? In July 2015, a Latino immigrant told Laura M. Mac Donald that his children were afraid of Trump. She wondered if soon, we might all need something comforting to read before bed and began writing The Very Strange Day.
Deport her! Laura M. Mac Donald was born in Canada but lives in Harlem, NY, with her husband, the artist Luke Murphy. She is a recently-naturalized citizen of America and will vote in her first U.S. election in November. If Trump wins, she looks forward to being audited.
Mac Donald is also the author of Curse of the Narrows: The 1917 Halifax Explosion. "Reading Curse of the Narrows is not unlike following coverage of Hurricane Katrina: the account of the initial disaster holds us riveted."-The New York Times.
Bailey McGinn is currently studying design in Paris and Toronto. This is her first children's book. More of her work can be seen at
Contact: info(at)theverystrangeday(dot)com
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