Palm Coast, Fla.
According to author Mitchell A. Montgomery, the apostle Paul did not write fifty percent of the so-called New Testament, from the book of Matthew through the book of Revelations, but, according to a myriad of scriptures, one hundred percent of it. "The Uniqueness of Paul and his Epistles" (published by Xlibris) presents Montgomery's findings, along with other information on the eponymous apostle.
Montgomery explains the so-called New Testament, identified above, contains two separate gospels, one predicated on the Old Testament and the other issued by Jesus Christ to Paul. That issued to Paul, from the book of Romans through the book of Hebrews, constitutes the 'true' New Testament, which is the Principles of Grace. This book clearly shows the many redeeming qualities of Paul, stating he was the only apostle called or anointed from heaven and beyond the legal boundaries of the nation of Israel. It also identifies Paul, supported by much biblical scriptures, as the author of the book of Hebrews and notes the apostle Peter is the only original apostle who addresses and deifies Paul.
According to the Bible, Montgomery says, God through Jesus Christ will utilize Paul's gospel to judge the evil thoughts of the children of disobedience. A final subject of the book is the controversial topic of tithing under the Dispensation of Grace, a time 'the church' or 'the body of Christ' now lives.
"The Uniqueness of Paul and his Epistles" is an in-depth exploration of an important biblical figure. Montgomery's work is aimed towards Christians and fellow students of the Bible worldwide.
"Like myself many born-again Christians have been wrongly taught the bible. I feel 'the truth' which is the Word of God must be revealed," he says.
"The Uniqueness of Paul and his Epistles"
By Mitchell A. Montgomery
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 126 pages | ISBN 9781499054682
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 126 pages | ISBN 9781499054699
E-Book | 126 pages | ISBN 9781499054675
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Mitchell A. Montgomery was born, raised and educated in Chicago. He became born-again during eighth grade in 1953 at St. Martin's School. He later attended the University of Illinois, Navy Pier, Chicago, with a major in aeronautical engineering and graduated from Roosevelt University, Chicago. His biblical knowledge was acquired through constant reading and studying scripture and listening to certain media ministers. In 1982, he began conditioning himself to reading and studying certain numbers of Bible chapters weekly. To this day, the same commitment remains unchanged.
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