THE REPROBATE by Jay M. Bylsma is a compelling novel that examines the theology that lead to the proposition that the grace of God might be available to the devout of other faiths. Are the gates of Heaven open just a crack more than for born-again Christians? Does the Bible support that conclusion and give credence to the sub-title of the book, "Liberal Christians have proof texts, too."
THE REPROBATE brilliantly weaves the story in and out of serious theological questions, skillfully using the Bible to substantially bolster both sides of the theological debate.
This is a book for Christians who have all the answers, Christians who are looking for answers, Christians who don't know what the questions are, and non-Christians who wonder about Christians.
Jay M. Bylsma is a writer, singer, inventor, corporate executive, college professor, and gourmet cook. He has a BBA and MBA from the University of Michigan, and has enjoyed a career as a corporate executive as well as being involved in serious theological studies with the real reprobate for over 30 years.