The Rainbow Egg, by Linda Hendricks, shares the story of adoption through the eyes of the birthmother, not the eyes of the adopted child.
The book introduces a chicken named Hope, who lives without a nest in the forest with the bears, deer and turkeys.
After Hope finds herself with an egg, she comes upon a chicken house where she meets Mr. and Mrs. Rainbow, who have a nest but no egg. Hope places her egg in their nest and an adoption unfolds.
Hendricks hopes that readers find the book highlights the love in adoption, showing adopted children that their birthmothers loved them very much.
"I wanted to write a book that would give my adopted children a story of love where their background is concerned," says Hendricks. "They must know that their birthmothers loved them very much."
The Rainbow Egg aims to display that birthmothers perform a selfless act of love when they place their child in an adoptive home.
The Rainbow Egg
By Linda Hendricks
ISBN: 978-1-44977-539-1, $12.95
Available at, and
About author
We will brand Linda Hendricks as physician, author and mother. We'll highlight her education at Georgia Tech and the Medical College of Georgia as well as her struggles with infertility and adoption of her two children.