When millennials start to stray away from conventional career paths and start signing up at tech startups, building their own local businesses from the roots up or freelancing their skills to multiple entities, author Aaron Hurst listens. Not only has he listened, but he's written an update to the book that started "The Purpose Revolution." Aaron's wisdom is gleaned by his own experience as a business leader, interviews with thousands of entrepreneurs, new survey-backed metrics and refined societal trends in "The Purpose Economy Expanded and Updated: How Your Desire for Impact, Personal Growth, and Community is Changing the World," out on October 11.
Each section of the book devotes itself to explanations of "The Purpose Economy" and "Personal, Social and Societal Purpose." Aaron is a globally-recognized entrepreneur who runs Imperative, a technology platform that enables people to discover, connect and act on what gives them purpose in their work. Aaron is also a close advisor to many global brands and frequent speaker and writer on the development of "The Purpose Economy."
Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post writes, "Building on his experience as the founder of Taproot, which connects commerce with social good, Aaron Hurst powerfully sums up in 'The Purpose Economy' the fundamental changes taking place in the business world."
Anyone looking for their purpose both in their careers and in their personal lives should take advantage of the "The Purpose Revolution." This paperback title is available at all major retailers starting October 11. Find more information at http://www.ElevatePub.com.