Poetry can evoke many feelings. It can also ask questions and provide answers. Sometimes it can even change the world. "The Poetry of Life II" is sometimes emotional and sometimes playful. It is a book about everyday occurrences, such as love, relationships, hunger, poverty, war, nature, and death.
Nature, a mysterious power in the poems "Cry of the Ancients" and "O'Moon," contains secrets of Mother Earth. The poems "Hope," "Faith," and "Paradise Lost" reminds us that no matter how bad things are, no matter what humanity does, there is always hope for the "Salvation of Humankind."
The poem "Memory" describes lovers separated by time and distance, while their love remains strong. The poems "Lover's Prayer," "Lover's Thanks," "Lover's Questions," "Response," and "Soulmate," describe the openness between two lovers. "Celestial" tells of a love that is unattainable.
Says the author, "In my poetry, I, the writer, search for answers to life's questions."
About the Author: Walter N. Davenport Jr. was born in New Orleans. He earned an MA from Syracuse University, a BA from the University of Maryland, and an AA degree from Prince Georges Community College in Maryland. He is a U.S. Army veteran and served as a police officer with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C. He entered the U.S. Department of State's Foreign Diplomatic Service in 1976, serving until his retirement in 1997. The author has lived in many countries and has traveled extensively. Married to a Dutch National, he resides in The Netherlands.
THE POETRY OF LIFE II (e-Book ISBN: 978-1-62857-283-4, Kindle ISBN: 978-1-62516-932-7) is available at:
http://epubco.com/shop/products/the-poetry-of-life-ii-by-walter-n-davenport-jr/ or for Kindle at Amazon.com, Nook at BarnesandNoble.com and in multi-formats for other e-Readers through numerous vendors online.
The soft cover version (ISBN: 978-1-62516-397-4, $14.50 ) can also be ordered through the publisher's website: http://sbpra.com/WalterNDavenportJr or at Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com.