Far above a magical land, an enormous pumpkin flies across a bright sky with 5-year-old Owen and his 3-year-old brother, Oliver, riding on top. In Benji Alexander Palus' new book, "The Magic Pumpkin" (published by iUniverse), the two boys hang on tightly and laugh with pure joy as the beauty and wonders of the land below nurture their innocence and their imaginations. Even so, there is a darkness that threatens to extinguish the light of their childhood.
Although they enjoy the home they have created in a cozy and shadowless cave, the boys miss their parents and long for a way back to them. Every night, the pumpkin sits motionless outside the entrance to the cave, keeping the boys safe from harm, but the pumpkin cannot protect Owen and Oliver from all danger. Shadow eyes wait in the darkness, and other creatures even more deadly. When the boys are torn from the pumpkin's safety, they must find strength and courage in their love for each other if they are to survive and find their way back home.
This poignant fantasy tale explores the bond of love between two Young Brothers as they take an enchanted journey through the extraordinary miracle of childhood, through its hardships and fears, its discoveries and triumphs, its vulnerability and its resiliency. With only each other to depend on, the brothers must find their way through the darkness and back to the light.
"The book is a fantasy, but so much of it has been inspired by my own life experiences," Palus says. "What the brothers go through is easily translated into what children feel in real life. Understanding of the nature of childhood and the value of its innocence, and the lesson that it is precious, is relevant in every society."
"The Magic Pumpkin"
By Benji Alexander Palus
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 316 pages | ISBN 9781475970463
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 316 pages | ISBN 9781475970487
E-Book | 316 pages | ISBN 9781475970470
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Benji Alexander Palus has devoted much time working with children affected by medical issues and serious illness, from whose spirit he finds inspiration. He resides in the French Quarter in New Orleans. The cover art was also created by Palus. To see more of his artwork, visit benjialexanderpalus.com.
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