Fi Read uses her literary gift to help raise the profile of the elderly in her book, "The Grandmahood Quest" (published by Xlibris NZ). This story, first published in 2014, is given a new marketing push for readers to be reminded about the importance of their elderly.
This story follows Grandma as she babysits her two grandchildren. During their bonding time, Grandma shares the story of her fantastical quest that saw her earn her 'Grandma' status. With the help of her story, the bond between the generations is strengthened and the children come to regard their grandmother in a new light-as their champion.
"The Grandmahood Quest" serves as the metaphor for the life experiences, struggles and achievements that reside within many elderly that often go unseen of forgotten by the younger generation. With the help of Grandma imparting a story to her grandchildren, this book bridges the gap between the generations by changing attitudes of the young towards their grandparents or the elderly, as a whole.
This book carries an intergenerational message that provides a platform for bonding. It seeks to entertain and develop attitudes of the young, while simultaneously highlighting the value of the seniors. Read's lead on provoking positive thoughts and showing the elderly in a new light should encourage readers to look on and address the increasing marginalization of the elderly in today's society.
"The Grandmahood Quest"
By Fi Read
Softcover | 8.5 x 11in | 32 pages | ISBN 9781493137589
E-Book | 32 pages | ISBN 9781493137572
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
After having spent 20 years in the New Zealand Army and focusing predominantly on her career and family, Fi Read decided it was time to give some attention to her long suppressed love of creative writing. Her soldiering days are behind her now and she has moved into a lifestyle more conducive with her benevolent nature and inner artiness. She has several other stories under development at the moment, all of which share an underlying community psychology aspect.
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