"The Amberella Tales: Amberella In The City" (published by Trafford Publishing) stars a lovable puppy that will entertain parents and children until the last page.
Amberella is a sweet, country pup whose life changes when she goes from the farm to the city with a new family. There, she encounters two funny, spoiled French poodle sisters, Zozue and Tutsu, and a grandmother with a secret from the rest of the family. Amberella must befriend the poodles and learn to get along. Readers will learn French with Amberella and cheer her on as she meets a prince and faces the changes associated with moving from farm life to city life.
Kaupp writes with a simple, endearing purpose. She states, "I want to create happy memories and memorable, sensitive characters for children and for parents and children to share together as I did with my son. The characters become children's lifelong friends."
Amberella faces many challenges adapting to city life, but she maintains her own integrity. Kaupp hopes to inspire young girls to be themselves. "Children, especially girls, face tremendous peer pressure," she writes. "Amberella maintains her own integrity. She does not do everything Zozue and Tutsu do. Though she certainly changed some, she does not become another Zozue and Tutsu."
"The Amberella Tales: Amberella In The City"
By Rosemarie Kaupp
Hardcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 120 pages | ISBN 9781466905948
Softcover | 5.5 x 8.5in | 120 pages | ISBN 9781466905955
E-Book | 120 pages | ISBN 9781466905931
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Rosemarie Kaupp, a registered nurse, was born in Philadelphia and resides in Bucks County. She has worked many years as a school nurse. In her personal life, she faced the challenge of battling cancer and losing a son and husband all in 21 months time. Kaupp says, "I woke up one morning and realized I could face these adversities and go on with my life or let them destroy me. I chose to go on." With this decision, "The Amberella Tales" came into being inspired by Kaupp's faithful dog of 16 years, Amber.
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