The saga of a rural North Carolina family unfolds in the pages of Sylvia Mintz's compelling new novel, "Holding Her Hand" (published by Archway Publishing).
When Valerie Branch gives birth to twins, her husband Daniel and their son are ecstatic to meet their newest family members, Rod and Carla. Rod seems destined to be a great hunter while his sister Carla has the power to heal others. Though Carla is able to sense when Rod is in pain or trouble, he is unable to reciprocate - even when she desperately needs him.
As overprotective Valerie and simplistic Daniel try to raise their three free-spirited children, a terrible evil invades their rural community. The Branch family must rely on each other and their faith in God if they want to save their family from certain destruction.
Heartfelt and moving, "Holding Her Hand" explores family dynamics and the ties that truly bind in a unique fashion. Mintz hopes readers will find her characters both engaging and a source of inspiration to work on their own familial relationships.
"Although this book is fictional, I pulled from my own family for inspiration," Mintz writes. "My family is full of people with their own life stories and interesting personalities. I took bits and pieces of their characteristics and life events to create this fictional family that are bigger than life."
"Holding Her Hand"
By Sylvia Mintz
Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 314 pages | ISBN 9781480811690
Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 314 pages | ISBN 9781480811713
E-Book | 314 pages | ISBN 9781480811706
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Sylvia Mintz, a North Carolina native, works as an office manager for a national medical management company and is active in her community. She lives in Wade, North Carolina, with her husband of 31 years, David. They have two children. "Holding Her Hand" is her debut novel.
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