Amidst the turbulent waters of hurricane Sonia, in an extreme state of exhaustion, while suffering the toxins of jellyfish and the barbs of a stingray, Lundgren came to the realization that his life's history formed the patterns of his thoughts and emotions. He reasoned that those thoughts and emotions are habits limiting his ability to successfully swim across the Sea of Cortez and live life with hopes of an extraordinary quality.
Determined to successfully swim across the Sea of Cortez, Lundgren sat down, wrote his life's story and weaved it into the details of his previous swim attempts. The exercise was a discipline of courage that forced him to face the fear, shame and pain of his childhood and early adult life.
Paul Lundgren has tried three times to swim the Sea of Cortez. The first was as a member of a six-person relay. The second and third attempts he swam by himself but also failed to reach the other side for different reasons. In "Where Mountains Come to Swim," Lundgren freely shares memories of a childhood where he learned to fish with his grandfather in a small river in Idaho and the pain of his parents' divorce. Swimming the Salmon River with a friend in 1995 to draw attention to a cause becomes a highlight of his life, as does the life-altering day when he met his wife.
The book intersperses detailed descriptions of Lundgren's time in the sea with the experiences that shaped his life, whether positive training exercises or memories that prove painful. Dog Ear Publishing reviews this astonishing memoir that stands as a testament to one man's determination to personal triumph and self-discovery.
Author Paul Lundgren is a coach and serial entrepreneur who began swimming competitively and in the open water at age 10. He has chased dreams of championships while participating in triathlons. He has worked to build a community around training and racing, passing on the lessons he's learned about sport and how they apply to life. He and his wife, Chris Chorak, live in Mill Valley, Calif., with their two sons. His sister created the artwork for the book's cover.
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Where Mountains Come to Swim
Paul Lundgren
Dog Ear Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-4575-4318-0 140 pages $14.95 US
Available at Ingram,, Barnes & Noble and fine bookstores everywhere.
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