Sullivan Street Press leading green e-book publisher is elated with the community reaction to the return of the beloved REZ Reading Series. The series is hosted at Odradeks Coffee House located at 82-60 Austin Street, Kew Gardens, NY monthly from 7:30 pm - 9:00 PM. The next event will be held Thursday, April 4th, featuring the writer, Liza Charlesworth, a poet and also an educational editor and author specializing in books for teachers and children and known for her best seller "The Couple's Guide to In Vitro Fertilization: Everything You Need to Know to Maximize Your Chances of Success."
Sullivan Street Press is excited to announce the REZ E-Reader, a free e-book containing the works read at each of the REZ Reading Series monthly events, including a brief bio of the authors. This has been made possible through collaboration with Kevin Callahan, Owner of BNGO Books premier producer of books for print and digital destinations. The REZ E-Reader will be exclusively available for download at the Sullivan Street Press website.
"We are motivated by the desire to make reading not just a pastime but an event, by bringing authors to the community to share their work. The purpose of the e-book is to give those who attended the readings a chance to linger longer with the work they heard and to provide the work to those who weren't able to attend," said Deborah Emin, Founder of Sullivan Street Press
It was always Sullivan Street Press' intention to somehow capture the spirit of the event in a way that could be archived or recalled at a later time. The group once stated, "In the future they would like to record and archive the sessions, so that people could get the audio streamed directly to their computers - something Emin believes would be particularly helpful for elderly book lovers." With the expansion of technology this dream has been made a reality, and the series can now be enjoyed by all near and far.
These events are held monthly, each event showcasing a specific writer. Sullivan Street Press will be sponsoring these readings in order to fulfill part of its mission to create communities of story tellers and poets.
About Sullivan Street Press:
Founded 4 years ago, Sullivan Street Press entered the e-publishing domain to change the publishing paradigm. It recognized that for both financial and environmental reasons it was necessary to advocate for the rise of the e-book and the technology that makes all things digital possible. Responding to readers' concerns, many of whom aren't yet ready to commit to the e-book revolution, SSP began to have its books published in Print-on-Demand format on the Espresso Book Machine at McNally Jackson Books in New York City. Then it reached out to On Demand Books, the parent company of the Espresso Book Machine, to be included in their world wide system of Espresso Book Machines. In furtherance of the digital side of its publishing mission, the Scags Series is also available as in iPad app, powered by MAZ Digital. For more information on all the various ways in which Sullivan Street Press is using new technology to reduce pollution and waste in the publishing process, visit the website: