Share your story. Share yourself. Contribute to the collective wisdom of the world.
What: We live in crazy times. It's up to every one of us to realize that we are the ones with the power to change humankind's collective storyline, and it starts by telling our own. Enter StoryTime Me, a gutsy, new startup by CG Communication & Design (www.cgcommunication.com), a boutique editorial and design business services consultancy, which aims to facilitate a positive shift in individuals', families, and communities' lives through fun, accessible storytelling. This unique venture transforms individuals' personal stories into professionally written, illustrated, and designed children's books. StoryTime Me is a solution for a world that needs more wisdom, and in which not enough is being passed down.
When & Where: StoryTime Me launches April 3, 2018, with an appearance by creator Cynthia Gomez on Crimson Cloak Publishing's weekly podcast, happening at 1:30 p.m. Central Standard Time. Learn more at www.crimsoncloakpublishing.com/crimson-cloak-radio.html.
How: Through professionally written and illustrated tales, children can better know their parents and the lessons they hope to pass down, grandparents can create a legacy to be handed down, and expecting parents can tell the story of how their baby into existence, and the kind of life they hope he or she will lead. Couples can chronicle their road to the altar, individuals battling serious illness or medical conditions can create a record of their battle, and pet parents can ensure their animals and the lessons they taught live on long after they're gone. StoryTime Me is for anyone with a story to tell.
Why: Unfortunately, no longer do children sit by fires listening to the tales and reflective insights of their elders. Let's face it; we're just so preoccupied with the daily business of living that we're forgetting the most important thing we can share with the world - ourselves.
On an individual level, recognizing our life stories as the meaningful work of art they are can help us gain greater clarity and purpose while also healing painful wounds. We extract meaning from our lives through our personal narratives. Our stories are worth telling, and not just for ourselves.
On a family and community level, wisdom sharing through storytelling turns us into transformational leaders; change-maker. Think of all of the things you wish an older, wiser version of you had taught you along your journey. We can all light the way forward for others in our respective circles, helping others as we help ourselves.
On a global scale, StoryTime Me recognizes that we hold the creative power to heal our world. If narrative storytelling is how we make meaning out of the chaos of our lives, humanity is how the universe makes meaning out of the chaos of existence. After all, we're the ones who can tell the stories - about ourselves and others. When we allow our collective wisdom to emerge, we are able to come to a greater understanding of our interconnectedness, and rise together to meet the challenges of our times.
So let's change the game, because while we're living in dire times, we get to decide what the future looks like. A children's book may seem like so small a thing for so big a problem. But the story of us may be the greatest gift we can give - to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to the world. Our stories all hold wisdom, and what we do with them can make all the difference.
Visit www.storytimeme.com today. StoryTime Me is here to help you tell your story.
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