I Will Breathe by Regina Puckett chosen as Medalist Winner in the Steampunk category of the 2016 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
Book Synopsis
The year is 2836. It has been eight hundred years since The Great War. There are small groups of people scattered in isolated pockets around the world, but most are too suspicious of each other for any intimacy. If they don't stop hiding, and learn to help each other, there won't be anyone left on earth.
Liberty has grown up in this post-apocalyptic world. Her home is an airship built by her adopted father. Since his death, each day is just another day trying to survive in a hostile environment. That is until her father's dying friend asks if she'll take custody of a small, child-like robot.
The last thing Liberty needs is another responsibility. Surprisingly, once the endearing robot is aboard Airus, she discovers there is more to life than just living, and loving someone can be as easy as breathing.
About the Author
Regina Puckett writes sweet romances, horror, inspirational, steampunk, picture books and poetry. There are always several projects in various stages of completion and characters and stories waiting in the wings for their chance to finally get out of her head and onto paper.
About the New Apple Book Awards
The New Apple Summer E-Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing was established to honor the creative achievements of the unsung books fighting for their place within the digital publishing world. Any English language e-book published within the last three years, currently available for sale by an independent author or small press that met the Awards' guidelines was eligible for entry. One book was chosen in each category as the solo Medalist Winner receiving the highest honors. In addition, the judges were permitted to choose up to three Official Selections for category distinction.
Contact Information
I Will Breathe is available in E-Book format as well as Paperback on Amazon. To find out more about the New Apple Book Awards, visit http://NewAppleBookAwards.com
'I Will Breathe'
Author: Regina Puckett
Publishing House: Punk & Sissy Publications
Amazon: http://getBook.at/iwillbreathe
Author website: http://reginapuckettsbooks.weebly.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReginaPucket
Regina Puckett is available for public appearances, signings, interviews and blog tours. Contact the author at http://reginapuckettsbooks.weebly.com/
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