Global warming is one of the most discussed and concerning environmental issues at present. However, according to the book Alien Yogi, this problem has been around since the very early days of human civilization. The book mentions that the universe comprises of the elements Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Space. Imbalance in these five elements is the reason behind global warming. At present, the ratio between these five elements is far from the state of equilibrium.
According to author Sree Tadimarri, the new climate change book 'Alien Yogi' provides a solution to global warming by following the techniques that helped ancient civilizations. Most interestingly, this book has been submitted to UNO's review about these techniques at the just concluded Paris Conference on Climate Change.
In this book, it is mentioned that the climate change crisis was handled by the ancient Greek and Indian civilizations by developing a scientific process and incorporating it into religious ritual. This unique process had different names across regions and religions. The core idea of this process was to interpret and decipher certain secret codes of the five elements. These secret codes can be found in different religious scripts like Bible, Quran, Tipitika, and Vedas, etc. God sent these codes to the Earth from time to time through his glorious avatars such as Jesus Christ, Prophet Muhammad, Sri Ram, Sri Krishna, and Gautama Buddha, and others.
The story of 'Alien Yogi' revolves around Hari, a little boy who proposes a solution to global warming at UNO's global platform. As expected, his supernatural powers are challenged by a troop of climatologists. The rest of the spine chilling story describes how a modern-day kid finds the secret codes drawn by the avatars of God, with the help of his army of priests, PHC-Kids, nuns, and transgenders. The protagonist discovered these secret codes and presented to the United Nations. After proving the prototype successfully, UNO endorsed his patented technology and granted permission to implement it worldwide."
This science v/s spirituality book is now up for sale on, iBookstore, Flipkart, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble Booksellers.
To find out more about this book, please visit
Contact: Sree Tadimarri;
Email: sreetadimarri(at)gmail(dot)com