Nina Brown has been published in 'Kindred Spirit' and 'Sedona Journal of Emergence' and is the author of the multi-award winning 'Return of Love to Planet Earth: Memoir of a Reluctant Visionary' (Cauda Pavonis, 2010, 2011) and now expands her offerings to include one-on-one session work.
Her recent book, 'S.T.A.R. A Now State of Being' (Gather Insight, 2013), outlines a spiritual philosophy for manifestation using S.T.A.R. principals (surrender, trust, allow, and receive), which forms the foundation for these new offerings.
One-on-one sessions take a conversational tone where Brown prompts the participant with the central question: "Who are you?" followed by a series of questions that intentionally move participants into expanded levels of awareness. Applying the S.T.A.R. principals, Brown simply yet radically assists in developing new perspectives that ultimately foster a broadened sense of possibility and creative ease based in knowing the truth of ones essential self.
Brown explains, "My new role is in service, inspiring the remembering that you are inherently powerful, so that it becomes an articulation of your innate wisdom. Empowering the remembering of human divinity is not third dimensional but moves into other dimensions. I can do this because I live in more than one dimension simultaneously, which is also your desire-the gift of a fascinated observer."
Overall, sessions encourage participants to fully accept their divinity, release negative self-perceptions, breakthrough deep-rooted fears and confidently embrace personal creative power to author reality as a free and sovereign being. Without a specific time limit set per session, deep personal exploration is uninhibited.
Supportive to this work, Brown recently published a new website,, including a free video series designed to be a helpful resource for worldwide spiritual audiences interested in proactively contributing toward positive change. Additionally, an immersive online program for cultivating personal empowerment and self-awareness is currently under development.
About Nina Brown:
Nina Brown is an award-winning author, international speaker, cum laude graduate of Bryn Mawr College and distinguished pioneer in business. Retired from the company she formed to assist women entrepreneurs, Brown has also served as a consultant and leader in the field of alternative medicine, once collaborating to form a company to bring neurosensory diagnostic tools to injured veterans. More recently, Nina founded the S.T.A.R. Clinic, which hosted several conferences, webinars and intensives, to help spread the central message of her books, inspiring and supporting participants to awaken to their human-divinity and personal power as sovereign creators. Her ceaseless dedication to spreading this message contributes to growing interest for an ever broadening worldwide audience. Brown now devotes enormous energies full time to this sacred spiritual mission.