The valuable lessons imparted in the fiction novel "Buster The Crop Duster" (published by Xlibris), by author Sir Grinsalot, invite readers to a reevaluation of the personal meaning of success and being a hero. The tale of Buster flies around Sir Grinsalot's passion for aviation and pilots, adventures and travel.
With the great goal of sharing lessons of humility and compassion, "Buster The Crop Duster" shows how an old and forgotten crop duster wins over a proud, new and sleek jet airliner by simply remaining modest and doing what is dutifully right.
A touching excerpt from the story reads:
A voice shouted out above all their sighing:
"Remember old Buster? We'll spread it by flying!"
They raced to the farmer with hope in their eyes,
then loaded up Buster, and he took to the skies."'
"Buster The Crop Duster"
By Sir Grinsalot
Hardcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781514411780
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 26 pages | ISBN 9781514411797
E-Book | 26 pages | ISBN 9781514411803
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Sneaking through boat yards and abandoned greenhouses, making open fields as venues for imaginative battlegrounds, membership in the local Junior Fireman organization, and canoeing and hiking the Adirondack Mountains of New York provided early adventures for the author Sir Grinsalot. Like everybody who has experienced being bullied, these unforgettable memories became his motivation to attaining athletic scholarships, serving aboard oceangoing steamships to foreign lands, and serving the local community. His stories are inspired by his real-life experiences.
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