Simone M. Kleckner, a previous co-president and president of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Organization of Democracy in Romania (ACORD), the Personal Advisor of the Romanian President, E. Constantinescu, Bucharest, 1999-2000; research writer, politics enthusiast, devoted writer and author, has completed her newest work "The Story of a Life - Liberty Lost, Volume 1": a gripping and potent autobiography that delves into the ideas of love, loss, deceit, communism, fear and courage.
Published by New York City-based Page Publishing, Simone M. Kleckner's poignant tale will leave a lasting impression on the reader.
"Prior to WWII when the Romanian monarchy modernized the nation, Romania became one of the richest countries in Europe. During that time, my family was a part of privileged intellectuals and land owners. After 1939, Romania was subjected to Fascism against her will, and after 1945, the country came under Communist rule. All of us were reduced to poverty. I have witnessed how the Communist regime marginalized people and suppressed individual liberty, private initiative, lack of opportunities, and hope. I used the course of my life and decided to write its story for the purpose of showing others what a socialist, Marxist government means. When it came to power, the State seized the fruits and the bounty it found, however, without producing anything on its own, except thousands of deaths and political prisoners. This is my story under a Communist regime when I lost my liberty," said author Simone M. Kleckner.
Readers who wish to experience this profound work can purchase "The Story of a Life - Liberty Lost, Volume 1" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or media inquiries, contact Page Publishing at 866-315-2708.
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