Author Shounda Cole lives with her family in the Chicago area. Her great imagination allows her to explore the realm of what-ifs. Her book titled "The Mental Notes of Miss Jean St Clair" explores the possibility that there are Intermediaries working all around the world in hospitals. These people are the selfless workers who help others in ways the average person can't. They bring their patient's inner demons to the surface before they self destruct. If they are successful the patients leave the hospital whole. This book is filled with suspense as her patients aren't very forthcoming with their issues. Miss Jean St Clair also feels as if someone is being drawn to her. Whether it's good or bad - she doesn't know. As Jean deals with her patient's issues, there is a man across town named Jeff who fights his own demons. His sister has the mental capacity of a two year old and his mother won't refuses to send her away. He also is also developing a drug habit that threatens to tear his family apart. Jeff and Jean are both on a collision courses with destinies that will change their lives. Shounda captures the human spirit in its most raw form. This is a book filled with so many intricacies - it should be read at least twice. Find the book at: