"How Many Are These?," a collection of short stories written by Dr. Kalyan, has just been released for pre-order on Amazon. The book will shortly be available on IBooks, Barnes and Noble and Kobo as well. The book is set for release in both eBook and print formats on 6th December, 2014.
Set in India, the land of rich culture and convention, the narratives in the book present thought-provoking tales of blind protagonists. Drawn from true stories, these accounts are not only interesting and intriguing, but also inspiring. The book has ten insightful stories with a social message.
Dr. Kalyan Kankanala wishes to donate all proceeds from the book to Cane Foundation, a charitable trust founded to fight disability of all forms. The initial focus of the foundation has been stated to be on visual disability.
Talking about his new release on the heels of his law thriller, Pirates of Bollywood, which is set for release on 1st January, 2015, Dr. Kalyan said, "This is a humble attempt to show the world from the eyes of people, who see differently. A welcoming world is not expected, an understanding one is good enough. I have made the stories as enjoyable as possible, and hope that the message will be disseminated widely."
Details of Dr. Kalyan's third work of fiction may be viewed on his website at kalyankankanala.com. The kindly version of the book may be pre-ordered on Amazon.
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