The Sandman is a mythical character originating from European folklore who brings good dreams by sprinkling magic sand on children's eyes to help them fall asleep at night. Shirley Anne Baker's book tells the story about what happens when "The Sandman Takes a Break" (published by Xlibris).
For generations, Sandy the Sandman has helped children sleep at night. One stormy night, he gets blinded by a big bolt of lightning. He crashes into Jenna and Hannah's house, where, although quite dizzy with a terrible headache, he manages to put the girls into peaceful sleep. While working to put Jenna to sleep, some of his magic sand gets stuck on his gloves and he ends up putting himself to sleep when he rubs his eyes. When Jenna discovers the Sandman, the magical antics and fun begin with a full day of fantasy and laughter.
"Even children need to have a secret place to go from time to time to be able to get lost in fairy tales and make believe," says Baker. With "The Sandman Takes a Break," she hopes to take them to that secret place, to get lost in happiness and excitement for a little while.
"The Sandman Takes a Break"
By Shirley Anne Baker
Hardcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 36 pages | ISBN 9781493191253
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5in | 36 pages | ISBN 9781493191246
E-Book | 36 pages | ISBN 9781493191239
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Shirley Anne Baker hails from the Midwest, but now lives in Florida with her husband, dog and two cats. She has always had a vivid imagination and loved fairy tales and fantasy land. Writing children's stories became her passion when she was a room mother at different times for her four daughters. She would write a short story for the occasion and read it to the class. The children were enthralled. She has written many stories through the years and will continue to reach out to children by writing to delight their minds.
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