"Siri & Me: The Big Move" is a heart-felt tale of growing up with a loving family as they discover together the beautiful world outside that God has created. "Siri & Me: The Big Move" is the creation of published author, Shawn M. Weeks.
Mr. Weeks is a lifelong resident of Connecticut. He has been married to his wife Tami for twenty-five years and together they have two grown children and two grandchildren. His oldest niece, Siri, is the title character in his new book series, "Siri And Me, The Big Move". The family spends most of their time in the outdoors. From vegetable gardening, raising laying hens and camping, to fishing, hunting and going to stock car races. Shawn is a professional Nuisance Wildlife Specialist, and a Master Wildlife Conservationist. He is also a published writer for outdoors and homesteading magazines.
Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Shawn M. Weeks's new book will delight and inspire young readers as they follow a little girl as she discovers all the wonders of God's world.
"Siri & Me: The Big Move" is the first book in a series of books geared for children three to five years old. It's about a four-year-old girl who moves to the country with her family. While growing up she learns all about family, God's love, homesteading, responsibility and discovering the outdoors.
View a synopsis of "Siri & Me: The Big Move" on YouTube.
Consumers can purchase "Siri & Me: The Big Move" at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at Amazon.com, Apple iTunes store, Kobo or Barnes and Noble.
For additional information or inquiries about "Siri & Me: The Big Move", contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.