With thought provoking reflections, Sharon Spence's "A Jar Full of Fireflies" (published by Balboa Press AU) conveys to readers positive elements from her life experiences- from being a young girl to womanhood, experiencing, death, abandonment, abuse and divorce, and finally love and freedom.
This book was inspired by the realisation that there are millions of women out there who feel trapped by circumstance just as the author experienced. Spence teaches readers how to see light in the apparent darkness and find strength from the toughest trials. Without probing questions or painful self-assessments, this book offers sanctuary to its readers.
"I want to re-ignite an inner spark. I want to offer wisdom in a gentle way, allowing a gradual growth without force, without putting more mountains in someone's path when it all seems too hard already."
An excerpt from this book:
My grateful heart and life are filled with beautiful music. The melody is one of immense freedom, love, and gratitude, and as my eyes scan the incredible snow-topped mountain scenery, the lush green pastures and blue glacial waters, I realise I have never felt more at home with who I am in this very moment. I close my eyes to the music, and instantly, I am flying high on the wind, rising and falling, gliding effortlessly with only beautiful landscapes before me. Water glistens below me, and the only sound is the melody within me.
This book guides readers back to wholeness as they recognise themselves in the stories, learn from the wisdom within and begin to reclaim their lives. Supported by mantras, affirmations and divinely delivered rituals and blessings, "A Jar Full of Fireflies" is the spark that will nurture readers back to wholeness.
"The personal and passionate reflections will appeal to everyone and the wisdom imparted is both gentle and captivating. This is not another self-help book that will be put on the shelf under the "too hard to face" category," the author tells.
"A Jar Full of Fireflies"
By Sharon Spence
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 174 pages | ISBN 9781504306874
E-Book | 174 pages | ISBN 9781504306881
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Sharon Spence is an author, sacred alchemist and moon lover who lives, writes and creates by the ocean in South Australia. For more information about the author, readers may see her official website: sharon-spence.com.
Balboa Press Australia is a division of Hay House, Inc., a leading provider in publishing products that specialise in self-help and the mind, body and spirit genre. Through an alliance with indie book publishing leader Author Solutions, LLC, authors benefit from the leadership of Hay House Publishing and the speed-to-market advantages of the Author Solutions self-publishing model. For more information or to start publishing today, visit balboapress.com.au/ or call 1800 050 315. For the latest, follow @balboapress on Twitter and "Like" us at facebook.com/BalboaPress.