"Scooter Nation" by A. B. Funkhauser chosen as Medalist Winner in the Humor category of the 2016 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
Book Synopsis -
Aging managing director Charlie Forsythe begins his work day with a phone call to Jocasta Binns, the unacknowledged illegitimate daughter of Weibigand Funeral Home founder Karl Heinz Sr. Alma Wurtz, a scooter bound sextenarian, community activist, and neighborhood pain in the ass is emptying her urine into the flower beds, killing the petunias. Jocasta cuts him off, reminding him that a staff meeting has been called. Charlie, silenced, is taken aback: he has had no prior input into the meeting and that, on its own, makes it sinister. The second novel in the "Unapologetic Lives" series, 'Scooter Nation' takes place two years after "Heuer Lost and Found." This time, funeral directors Scooter Creighton and Carla Moretto Salinger Blue take center stage as they battle conflicting values, draconian city by-laws, a mendacious neighborhood gang bent on havoc, and a self-absorbed fitness guru whose presence shines an unwanted light on their quiet Michigan neighborhood.
About the Author -
Toronto born author A.B. Funkhauser is a funeral director, classic car nut and wildlife enthusiast living in Ontario, Canada. Like most funeral directors, she is governed by a strong sense of altruism fueled by the belief that life chooses us and we not it. Her debut novel "Heuer Lost and Found," released in April 2015, examines the day to day workings of a funeral home and the people who staff it. Winner of the "Preditors & Editors" Reader's Poll for Best Horror 2015, "Heuer Lost and Found" is the first installment in Funkhauser's "Unapologetic Lives" series. Her sophomore effort, "Scooter Nation," released March 11, 2016 through Solstice Publishing. A devotee of the gonzo style pioneered by the late Hunter
S. Thompson, Funkhauser attempts to shine a light on difficult subjects by aid of humorous storytelling. "In gonzo, characters operate without filters which means they say and do the kinds of things we cannot in an ordered society. Results are often comic but, hopefully, instructive." Funkhauser is currently working on 'Shell Game', a subversive feline "whodunit" begun during NaNoWriMo 2015.
About the New Apple Book Awards -
The New Apple Summer E-Book Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing was established to honor the creative achievements of the unsung books fighting for their place within the digital publishing world. Any English language e-book published within the last three years, currently available for sale by an independent author or small press that met the Awards' guidelines was eligible for entry. One book was chosen in each category as the solo Medalist Winner receiving the highest honors. In addition, the judges were permitted to choose up to three Official Selections for category distinction.
Contact Information -
"Scooter Nation" is available in E-Book format as well as Paperback on Amazon. To find out more about the New Apple Book Awards, visit http://NewAppleBookAwards.com
Scooter Nation
Author: A. B. Funkhauser
Publishing House: Solstice Publishing
Amazon: http://getBook.at/ScooterNation
Author website: http://www.abfunkhauser.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamfunkhauser
A. B. Funkhauser is available for public appearances, signings, interviews and blog tours. Contact the author at http://www.abfunkhauser.com
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