Sam Makhoul, a well-esteemed Sydney-based lawyer and author, recently announced the launch of his first novel, "A Higher Branch." The book, which has been branded by readers as a twenty-first century guide to happiness and peak performance, serves as a cautionary tale for anyone who might overlook their health, family, and relationships.
"A Higher Branch" is a universal fable that centers around a young boy, Tom, who wanders into the woods and loses his way home. While he is terrified and lost in the woods, Tom meets a wise old man who introduces him to a wise way of thinking. The old man takes Tom on a tour of the different stages of life and explains to him the significance of the eight Trees of life; health, love, family, work, friendship, learning, wealth and charity and the Circle of Positive Thinking, all of which contribute to a life of passion and purpose.
Makhoul's story takes readers on the same journey that Tom traveled, daring them to imagine themselves in Tom's shoes. It also provokes two pressing questions: "If you could go back and guide yourself as a little boy or girl, what lessons would you teach?" and "would that little boy or girl be happy with the life you are living right now?"
"A Higher Branch" is attracting praise and attention from executives, entrepreneurs, parents, students and retirees. Many are referring to Makhoul's teachings on the eight Trees of Life and the Circle of Positive Thinking as a very practical guide to life. Mark Lehane, CFO, said the book is "inspiring...thought provoking...and action provoking. It is this type of philosophy the world needs right now."
"A Higher Branch" is available for purchase online at, Amazon, Kindle, Fishpond, Booktopia, and BookDepository. The book's paperback edition can be found at Sydney locations such as Better Read Than Dead in Newtown, Hill of Content Bookshop in Balmain and Abbey's Bookshop on York Street in the CBD.
About Sam Makhoul:
Author Sam Makhoul, is a top practising banking and finance lawyer in Sydney with over 25 years experience. He is also an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, success coach and father of three children. When he was eight, Sam and his family fled the 1970s civil war in Lebanon and sought refuge in Australia to establish a new life. The stories and metaphors in the book were inspired by his grandmother, Rose Makhoul, who made his childhood magical during what were turbulent times in Lebanon's history. Individuals interested in learning more about Makhoul and his work can visit