When life becomes busy and chaotic, it's easy to forget who you are and all the potential you hold.
"In "Wishing You Greatness," author Sally Kauffman encourages people to live their daily lives through positive thoughts, feelings and actions rather than the negativity that surrounds most people. Kauffman wants her book to remind ourselves, families, loved ones, friends, neighbors and the world about our own personal greatness and their greatness as well.
"I wanted to create a book that people could look to for guidance," Kauffman said. "I found that putting together a series of affirmations to help remind ourselves and the ones around us of our greatness was the best option."
Kauffman is a parent of four and a grandparent of 11 more and wishes to encourage others the way she works to encourage her own.
"I believe these affirmations will appeal to anyone who is on a journey in life, looking for greatness," Kauffman said. "It's really for anyone who needs to be reminded to pursue greatness in their life."
For more information, visit http://www.wishingyougreatness.com.
"Wishing You Greatness"
By Sally Kauffman
ISBN: 978-1-4917-9082
Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iUniverse
About the author
Sally Kauffman is a mother of four and a grandmother of 10. She has been a nurse for more than 40 years and a school nurse for 29 of those. She lives near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Elizabeth Coomer