In the new installment of Edward Moldenhauer's Spin the Globe children's series, "Spin the Globe: The Incredible Adventures of Frederick von Wigglebottom: Turtles of the Reef" (published by Trafford Publishing), Frederick von Wigglebottom travels, by the spin of the globe, to Belize.
In Belize, Frederick explores the sandy island paradise of St. George's Caye. He meets a native Mayan named K'ayab, who introduces Frederick to his culture and its history and teaches him about the animals of the coral reef and the Belizean jungle. Frederick also befriends a girl named Hayá, who teaches him about her unique Garinagu culture.
A magical exploration of the mystical jungle and island paradise of Belize, "Spin the Globe: The Incredible Adventures of Frederick von Wigglebottom: Turtles of the Reef" serves not only to entertain young readers, but also to become a jumping-off point for learning and celebrating the world's unique diversity.
"I endeavored to create a distilled version of a country review by using a variety of subtopics which will hopefully plant the seeds for the child to want to learn more," Moldenhauer says of his book. "I want them to take it the next step, seek additional information from any source or even take a trip and experience these wonderful areas in person."
"Spin the Globe: The Incredible Adventures of Frederick von Wigglebottom"
By Edward Moldenhauer
Softcover | 8.5 x 8.5 in | 54 pages | ISBN 9781490753089
E-Book | 54 pages | ISBN 9781490753072
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Edward Moldenhauer is a retired Navy pharmacist and military intelligence analyst. Although published in several professional journals and the primary author of "The History of Pharmacy in the United States Navy," his true passion is honing his array of "Ed's Useless Trivia" to baffle friends and foes alike and to teach his children about every topic imaginable - sometimes to their dismay. He lives in Burleson, Texas, with his wife, Jo Ann, children and two dogs. When he's not watching history shows or reading, Moldenhauer enjoys the outdoors and fresh air. Readers can enjoy his other three installments of his Spin the Globe series, featuring adventures in Australia, Norway and Peru.
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